9070 Chalkbag Stand

The STAND is made of strong material and remains upright by itself. This makes it suitable for use as a chalk bag on a climbing harness as well as a bouldering bag. With belly strap and brush holder. Inside made of plush. 907064, 907064R, 907064P, 907064S,

Item NoDesignationWeightLengthWidthHeightColourDiameter
907064STAND Chalkbag85 g170 mm130 mm50 mmgrey12 mm
907064RSTAND Chalkbag85 g170 mm130 mm50 mmred12 mm
907064PSTAND Chalkbag85 g170 mm130 mm50 mmpetrol12 mm
907064SSTAND Chalkbag Black85 g170 mm130 mm50 mmblack12 mm